
The Neuro-Orbital Masterclass Series – 2019

Date: Saturday November 23rd, 2019

Time: 08.30 – 18.00 (One-day course)


  • Mr David H Verity (Ophthalmology)
  • Mr Neil Kitchen (Neurosurgery)
  • Mr Saj Ataullah (Ophthalmology)

Academic co-organisers:

  • Priscilla Mathewson (ophthalmology)
  • Anouk Borg (Neurosurgery)

Hosting organisation:

The St John Ophthalmic Association

Organisation link:

Course website link: 

The 2019 neuroorbital congress


Cavalry and Guards Club
127 Piccadilly, Mayfair, London W1J 7PX

Contact: | 07976 274 276

Registration (to include all refreshments and lunch): 

  • For UK Consultants in post for more than 2 years: £225
  • All other delegates: £150
  • ‘Lunch-only’ ticket (for those joining only at lunchtime): £55

This early bird rate will be held until October 1st, when the rates will revert to a standard rate  approximately 25% higher.


The management of diseases involving the orbit and skull base is challenging, and requires collaboration across a range of specialties. The decision to observe, operate or irradiate is complex, and best practice may be uncertain, and vary from one patient to another.

The St John Ophthalmic Association (SOA) invites you to The Neuro-Orbital Masterclass, bringing together experts across a wide range of disciplines, including ophthalmology, neurosurgery, radiology, and skull base surgery. A Faculty of 18 experienced colleagues from London and Manchester will give a series of didactic talks, exploring the most modern treatment and providing a forum for lively discussion and debate.

This  Symposium is hosted at The Cavalry and Guards Club, Piccadilly, offering a unique and elegant setting for the meeting. Registration includes refreshments on arrival and during the day, and formal lunch in the Club’s private dining room. For those wishing to join their partners for lunch, a ‘lunch-only’ ticket is available.

The proceeds from this and all SOA meetings go directly to support St John’s sight-saving work in Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza. We train nurses and doctors in a challenging environment, and your support is greatly appreciated.

The proceedings from this meeting will be summarised in a special edition of the Journal Orbit.